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How to Safely Whiten Your Teeth
How to Safely Whiten Your Teeth

How to Safely Whiten Your Teeth

Teeth whitening is a common cosmetic dental procedure that alleviates darkening, yellowing on the teeth resulting from Genetics, natural ageing process, smoking, taking stain-causing food and drinks.

Generally, teeth whitening treatments are safe and effective in brightening the teeth. However, using a wrong whitening product or procedure can damage the teeth. Inappropriate use of a whitening product may also lead to sides effects such as:

  • Gum irritation
  • Tooth sensitivity
  • Etching and loss of the enamel
  • Increases risk of fracture on the teeth
  • Roughening of the teeth surface
  • An increased rate of stain absorption

If your enamel erodes, your teeth will become more sensitive and appear darker. You can visit your dentist to have professional teeth whitening treatment or use a safe home teeth whitening option.

As you read on, you would know and understand safe teeth whitening options and know when to visit your dentist for a whitening process.

At-home and DIY teeth whitening options

Most people desire white teeth and settle for any teeth whitening option, but you should avoid the products that can damage your enamel.

Different home remedies for darkened and discoloured are available, but only a few are safe and effective. If you intend to whiten your teeth without damaging them, you could choose any following safe teeth whitening options.

  • Whitening strips

Teeth-whitening strips are a common over-the-counter whitening product but they are not available in the UK.

  • Whitening toothpaste

Teeth whitening toothpaste contains some non-peroxide based constituents, such as bicarbonate or silica. Some whitening toothpaste can brighten the teeth mildly. They contain abrasives that help to remove surface stains. However, the abrasive agents may erode the enamel and expose the dentine.


Home teeth whitening treatment to avoid

Most home teeth whitening treatments involve natural products, but some natural products can harm the teeth. Try not to use the following natural teeth whitening options on your teeth.

  • Baking soda and lemon

A study in 2008 showed that lemon juice has a more corrosive effect on the enamel than orange and grape juice. The pH of lemon is 2.2. This acidic pH may help lighten the teeth, but it will damage your enamel.

  • Strawberries

Strawberries contain ascorbic acid, which can damage the teeth. Although strawberries are an essential part of a healthy diet, keep them to balanced level to prevent the acid from acting on your teeth.

  • Activated charcoal

Activated carbon contains a natural form of carbon that binds to stains on the teeth and remove them. However, the carbon may be abrasive on the teeth and erode the enamel and tooth, exposing the yellow part of the teeth.

  • Cider vinegar and sea salt

Vinegar has a low pH, and the acidic nature can damage the enamel, increasing the risk of sensitivity and tooth decay.

  • Wood ash

Wood ash contains potassium hydroxide and lye, which can damage the teeth.

Daily habits to keep your teeth white

Preventing tooth discolouration may not be possible because teeth discolouration also results from the natural ageing process, but certain foods may help maintain your teeth colour. They include:

  • Nuts and seeds
  • Dairy products
  • Coarse vegetables

Drinks and food that stain the teeth

Some foods and drinks can aid teeth whitening, but others can stain your teeth. Reducing your intake of the following foods and beverages can prevent teeth discolouration.

  • Pasta sauce
  • Citric acid and acidic foods like oranges
  • Berries
  • Tea
  • Coffee
  • White and red wine

Professional teeth whitening treatments

Professional teeth whitening treatments are effective and safe. They give a faster result compared to home-teeth whitening products.

  • In-chair teeth whitening
  • At-home custom-made teeth whitening
  • Combination of in-office and at-home teeth whitening

What are the side effects and risk of professional teeth whitening

Professional teeth whitening can remove extrinsic and intrinsic teeth stains. However, some persons experience temporary tooth sensitivity and gum inflammation after a professional teeth whitening.

Although professional teeth whitening is effective, it may not be a suitable option for the following persons.

  • Pregnant women and nursing mothers
  • People allergic to peroxide
  • Those with sensitive teeth and gums
  • People with worn down enamel and exposes roots
  • People with gum disease and cavities
  • Those with white spot decalcification
  • People with fillings, crowns and other dental restorations on the front teeth
  • People with greyish teeth stains

If you want to whiten your teeth, ensure you use a safe teeth whitening option. You can visit this site to book your online appointment at Teeth Whitening London for safe and effective teeth whitening treatment.

Contact us on 02070434315 to start your journey to a whiter brighter smile.