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Home Teeth Whitening

Home Teeth Whitening in London

At-home teeth whitening is an effective and safe way to whiten your teeth. It also helps you to gradually whiten your teeth from the comfort of your home under the supervision of a dental professional.

For home teeth whitening, you will receive a teeth whitening kit containing the whitening gel and tray for use at home. Your dentist will instruct you on how to wear the trays, but most people use the whitening trays and gel overnight. With this method of teeth whitening, it may take a few weeks for your teeth to be lightened to your desired shade.

You can also use at-home teeth whitening as a top-up after an in-office teeth whitening.

Benefits of home teeth whitening

  • At-home teeth whitening kits are safe and do not damage the teeth
  • It is suitable for those that do not have time for a long in-office whitening session
  • It gradually whitens the teeth
  • You can see the effect of the whitening kit after a few days, usually three days
  • A dental professional guides you throughout the whitening process

Home teeth whitening procedure

The first step in getting your at-home teeth whitening kit is an appointment with your dentist to check if your gum and teeth are healthy for teeth whitening. If they are, your dentist will take impressions of your teeth to make your whitening trays, which look like mouth guards.

When your whitening trays are available, you will get them at the dental practice alongside the whitening gel. Your dentist will ensure your trays fit perfectly and are comfortable. Your dentist will also show you the correct way to use the whitening kits.

Your dentist will also tell you how long to use whitening trays daily. It is usually for eight hours, and most people wear theirs overnight.

Caring for whitened teeth

The effect of your teeth whitening should last for a long time, for some of these methods like the at-home teeth whitening, it could last for about three years. The duration of the whitening effect also varies between persons, and it depends on how well you care for your teeth afterwards.

To keep your teeth whitened for a long time, try the following.

  • Attend regular dental check-up with a dentist
  • Visit your hygienist often to polish and scale your teeth
  • Avoid smoking
  • Cut down your intake of food and drinks that easily stain the teeth

Who is suitable for home teeth whitening?

You can whiten your teeth if you are at least 18 years with healthy gums and teeth so you will need a dental check-up first. Pregnant women or those who are breastfeeding may not be suitable for teeth whitening, because the effects of the bleaching gel on the baby is still unknown.

Note that teeth whitening products do not lighten the shade of dental restorations like crowns, bridges, dentures, and veneers.

If you are not suitable for teeth whitening, you may opt for other procedures like dental veneers or crowns.

Contact Teeth Whitening London on 020 70434315 to book for an initial consultation to get your home whitening kit.